Baked Egg Recipe – Cashmere-RED Skip to content
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Baked Egg Recipe

Baked Egg Recipe


While taking a day (well or ten) to make a recipe from the French Laundry is lovely and luxurious, simple is sometimes the best. As each of us slowly but surely begin to cozy in with family and friends, I thought it would be a beautiful distraction to share a simple, yet oh so delicious brunch. 

Hopefully, you grabbed the eggs instead of the toilet paper last time you were at the grocery store stocking up. We may have two dozen happily awaiting us in the fridge so feel free to pop in and we will toss them to you. I hope your 6 feet catching game is on. 

It is as simple as four ingredients:

1 Egg

1 Tsp Walnut Oil

1 Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes

1 Pinch of Sea Salt

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat the ramekin(s) with walnut oil (makes for an easy CLEAN up). Crack an egg into the ramekin. Add a pinch of salt and red pepper flakes. Then bake for 10-15 minutes pending on preferred texture. 

Serve with these delicious waffles and a hot drink of choice.  

From our team to yours, keep clean and carry on, at home.  



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